On 04/16/2021, companies that did not use the shared XML file, access to the file was removed. If you still want to use the easy and fast integration, please let me know at integracja@annapol.pl then the access will be resumed. Other companies that already use the XML file, please check whether the integrations work properly and in the event of such problems, be sure to replace the existing Key / Hash / Api / XML with the new one in the Your account tab. All information regarding XML can be found in the Xml Integration tab, while information regarding cooperation on the basis of Dropshipping can be found in the Dropshipping tab Below, we present all articles about integration, XML structure or, for example, what to enter as a key / hash, etc. Articles are added from the newest, please click on the topic you are interested in. XML changes, integrations Integration baselinker / allegro / ebay Information about the Key / Hash / Api / XML and Login Ean code / XML integration Integrate XML Providing PHP Library for simple XML integration Integrating XML file