F.H.U. ANNAPOL (Hurtownia RTV AGD Zabawki)

+48 32 388 12 22
+48 32 388 12 28

Open: Monday - Friday from 9.00 to 16.00

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Mariusz Kamiński
Ul. Jagiellońska 15
41-902 Bytom

Opening hours: Monday–Friday — from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday — closed

Contact our warehouse:

phone: +48 32 3881228 
Sales department — extensions: 21,22 or 23
Complaints department — extension 24

cell: +48 513835578
phone/fax: +48 32 3881222


phone: +48 32 3881228, extension 24

Technical matters:

phone/fax: +48 32 3881228, extension 24

Other warehouses:



Sales representatives - the warehouse:



ul. Jagiellońska 15/7
41-902 Bytom

Opening hours:
Monday–Friday — from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday — closed


phone/fax: +48 32 3881222 magazyn@annapol.pl


Wtyk telefon. 4P 4C

Wtyk telefon. 4P 4C

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Wtyk telefon.RJ11 6P 4C

Wtyk telefon.RJ11   6P 4C

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MCE155 46974 Adapter gniazdo UK na wtyk EU uniwersalny czarny

MCE155 46974 Adapter gniazdo UK na wtyk EU uniwersalny czarny

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Wtyk telefon. 6P 6C

Wtyk telefon. 6P 6C

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60950 Linka gumowa średnica 4mm, szpula 200m

60950 Linka gumowa średnica 4mm, szpula 200m

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Złącze SAT F-F( beczka)

Złącze SAT F-F( beczka)

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Gniazdo zapalniczki do obudowy

Gniazdo zapalniczki do obudowy

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Wtyk Jack 6.3 mono plastikowy Cabletech

Wtyk Jack 6.3 mono plastikowy Cabletech

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Koszyk na baterie 3xAAA płaski

Koszyk na baterie 3xAAA płaski

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Konektor M3-0-1.5 oczko KM11

Konektor M3-0-1.5 oczko KM11

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Linka elastyczna guma do mocowania bagażu 150 cm o8 mm bstrap-08 amio-01153

Linka elastyczna guma do mocowania bagażu 150 cm o8 mm bstrap-08 amio-01153

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Koszyk na baterie 2xAAA płaski

Koszyk na baterie 2xAAA płaski

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Wtyk zapalniczki sam.z bezpiecznik.

Wtyk zapalniczki sam.z bezpiecznik.

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EZB206 Esperanza carbon-zinc batteries aaa 4pcs. shrink foil wrapped

EZB206 Esperanza carbon-zinc batteries aaa 4pcs. shrink foil wrapped

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Wtyk SAT F 9,7mm CU na kabl RG11

Wtyk SAT F 9,7mm CU na kabl RG11

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Szybkozłączka DC

Szybkozłączka DC

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Złącze krokodylek mały

Złącze krokodylek mały

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Adaptor samochodowy CD / MD-kaseta

Adaptor samochodowy CD / MD-kaseta

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Złącze wtyk TV-gniazdo F

Złącze wtyk TV-gniazdo F

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42917 Pistolet do kleju 11mm, 500W, Proline

42917 Pistolet do kleju 11mm, 500W, Proline

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Złącze telef.GN-GN / 210-4C /

Złącze telef.GN-GN / 210-4C /

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Szybkozłącze UY 4CI-2006

Szybkozłącze UY 4CI-2006

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Złącze SAT F-F (beczka) Cabletech

Złącze SAT F-F (beczka) Cabletech

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Stainless steel ruler 330mmx28mm

Stainless steel ruler 330mmx28mm

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Despite our best efforts we cannot guarantee that the published materials are free of errors or discrepancies. However, these oversights cannot be a basis for any claims. Photos of products listed on the website annapol.pl, may slightly differ from the actual look of goods that are currently on sale. In case of any doubts please contact FHU ANNAPOL

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All prices with tax excluded.
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All rights reserved.

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